Project Management
MBA in Art Market
Project Management M2
33, Rue La Boétie 75008, Paris
Fall Semester, 2020
Instructor name: Gozde Onaran Patry
Course dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9:00AM to 13:00PM for 12 weeks, starting from 01.10. 2020
Contact information: e-mail:
Phone: +33678299431
Office hours: Tuesdays, from 14:00PM to 16:00PM
Course Description:
The Project Management course provides a step-by-step introduction to the project management process and proposes a shift from theory to practice. Project management theory, terms and concepts are introduced in this course. Students will discover the project life cycle and learn how to build a successful project from pre- implementation to completion. This course will introduce project management topics such as costs, time constraints, risks, human resources, stakeholders, procurement, quality, communication and project scopes. This course will include lectures, discussion-based seminar, case-studies, in class and take-home assignments for group works. There is no prerequisite course.
Course Goals: Students who complete this course successfully will be able to:
Understand the project process from beginning to end: including initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control, and closure.
Define steps, strategies and practical approaches of project management.
Read and create project charters.
Plan and Control time, budget, risks, quality, communication, stakeholders and compose teams.
Use and create project management tools: the Gantt chart, work breakdown structure, the basic budget, the risk maps...
Integrate documents for the business plan.
Develop skills to work as a team.
Develop skills to present a project.
Major Assignments: Descriptions
Individual Homework: Brief description of your career plans, your expectations from this course.
Choose your project and your team realize your Project Charter.
Individual Homework: Research efficient project management tools on internet.
Create your project management tools: WBS, PERT, GANTT chart, Risk Register...
Create your Budget: List your Activities, Risk Analysis, Human Resources and your Quality Parameters.
Data integration, manage communication, stakeholders and your team
Manage procurement and close contracts,
Power Point Presentation of your project by your team as final assignment.
Daily Work / Homework:
Students are expected to revise concepts and definitions previously learned in class.
Required Texts:
The Art of Project Management. Scott Berkun, O’REILLY MEDIA INC., March 2005.
La boite à outils du chef de projet-74 outils et méthodes, Jérôme Maes et François Debois, 2. Edition, DUNOD, mars 2017.
Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide PMBOK, 6. Version, Project Management Institute, PMI, septembre 2019
Required Materials:
USB Keys
Class Participation:
Students will be graded according to their active participation and collaboration skills within their groups. All interactions in class will be civil, respectful, and supportive of an inclusive learning environment for all students. I encourage students to speak to me, to the department chair or to your advisor about any concerns related to classroom participation and dynamics.
Course Grading:
There is no curve system. As your instructor I will grade your assignments and the last presentation. Students will participate to the last grading of the presentation by choosing the best three projects by polling system.
Explanation of Grading System:
Class Participation and team collaboration = 5 points
Individual Homework 1 = 5 points • Individual Homework 2 = 5 points
Paper/ 1: 10 % of total grade and 10 maximum points
Paper/ 2: 10 % of total grade and 10 maximum points
Paper/ 3: 10 % of total grade and 10 maximum points
Paper/ 4: 10 % of total grade and 10 maximum points
Paper/ 5: 10 % of total grade and 10 maximum points
Final Presentation: 35% of total grade and 35 maximum points
Sample Grade Cutoffs:
90% A
80% B
70% C
Course-Specific Support or Supplementary Instruction: Please contact me in my office hours or seek your Peer Mentors.
All the processes and policies below are regulated by EAC your Students Guidebook:
Inclusive learning environment statement
Attendance policy
Penalties for late work and requests for extensions
Policies on missed exams, make-up exams or quizzes
Regrading policy
Requests for instructor feedback on drafts and requests to revise
Technology policies 8. Ethics/violations of academic integrity
Preliminary Schedule of Topics and Assignments: