"Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire!”
W.B. Yeats
When I first read this citation attributed to Yeats, while I was working on the project of the renovation of the Yeats Tower in 2015, I felt like I saw it previously. Indeed, similar citations of, Socrates who influenced later Plutarch, described education as “the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” I found a deep meaning in these quotes, as the knowledge is not static, it has to be transferred to the new generations that will develop and make it richer. As the transfer of the main idea of this quote from the ancient Greek philosophers to the famous Irish Poet of the 20th C.
This quote, also guided me in my self-awareness, I found my devotion in teaching. After several years of international experience in Project Management as a certified Project Manager with more than 20 years of business experience, I decided to dedicate my career to education, to give the tools or the torch of enlightenment to help others to succeed.
As I discovered that my passion is in teaching, I encourage my students to be as enthusiastic and demanding as I am, about learning. As I teach, there is a mutual transfer of knowledge and knowhow, I learn a lot from my students from their visions of life and from their feedbacks. So, I encourage them to participate actively in class discussions. And every day, they remind me the significance of teaching.
Project management is a discipline that teaches you the importance of managing your time and setting your objectives. It has a crucial role in planning and executing projects efficiently. The methods can be applied in every sectors of business and to your everyday life. Teaching how to manage efficiently Projects is mostly based on transferring the knowledge of the processes and the knowhow of applying tools and techniques on problematic cases.
I designed my courses in accordance of how I learned efficiently Project management. I realized that I can get a deeper learning when I apply and test my knowledge in the real case studies. I care to provide the right and fair conditions for an inclusive and profitable learning environment. My priority for that is to develop constructive relationship and rapport with my students.
I always come early in class and I prioritize exchange with my students. I try to learn about their inspirations, their needs, their expectations and their future dreams. I engage unformal communication talking about the last museums or exhibitions they visited and ask them about their suggestions. I show my respect and appreciation on every occasion. I make sure that they know that I am always available to talk and to help them. I comfort them telling that I have been in their shoes not long ago, having completed my MBA in the same classroom.
I start my class by telling my students that Project Management is not only processes and tools and techniques, but is a way of analyzing and finding a solution to problems. It’s a positive approach to the world, it inspires you knowing that you can contribute to find a solution to problems.
The best way to teach the tools and techniques is to review theories and practices and to work on case studies and to realize a project, within a group as in real life. I encourage creativity, so the very first day I let my students choose their own teams and decide on their dream projects to develop and to present. They pick a project that they would really like to work on in the future in their business life.
In the team project students exchange role as the Project Manager to understand the difficulties of human resource management and the problems related to the collaborative work. To encourage their engagement students grades their peer for their cooperation.
Finally, as the original part of the game, they decide by their own on an eventual risk that would happen during their project and they are assigned to show a creative way to solve the problem.
During my courses I assign scaffold homework’ to use the tools and techniques that they learn in class and integrate them in their projects. As the final assignment, I ask my students to present their group Projects in class as they were presenting it in the real life in front of a sponsor, a boss or the media. So, the presentations become as a scene of a theater where students play a role model, the one that probably they will have soon in the real life.
My syllabus is designed to show the steps of their learning, and helps them with their time management and their easy access to sources of knowledge. This is how my students choose a realistic project that they can develop during the 12 Weeks. I work consistently to improve my teaching skills and my course contents by incorporating the latest educational research and best-practice systems. I feel the concern about adopting the best education methods that work best for each student and I adopt my instruction to each student's individual needs.
As a teacher or as an awakener, I try to make studying easy and fun and I want to inspire my students to find the passion for learning. Adopting the best educational methods that work best for each student's individual needs is crucial. Beside class notes as lectures, power point presentations and videos, I use different methods as storytelling, discussion, peer instruction, etc. These effective teaching approaches help students to become more engaged and fosters deep learning.
I feel the responsibility, to help my students develop their spiritual and mental qualities and capacities, to influence their life positively and to push their limits to the utmost. So teaching is not only transferring the knowledge and the knowhow, but it is also giving the flame to learn and inspiring my students to be a part of the solution and not the problem.